Notice to Mariners

Maintenance work has been carried out on the channel markers leading into Blakeney Harbour for the 2024 season. 


The harbour entrance has continued to grow in an easterly direction, therefore the following changes have been made to the outer channel marks:

Fairway Marker

Position N 52° 59.230’ E 000° 58.538’ Bearing to no. 1 Starboard channel marker 189º T 

Distance to no. 1 Starboard channel marker 0.35nm

NEW Light sequence L Fl.10s

No. 1 Starboard marker

Position N 52° 58.907’ E 000° 58.458’ Bearing to fairway marker  9º T

Distance to Fairway Buoy is 0.35nm

Light sequence Fl.G(2s) 

No.3 Starboard marker

Position N 52° 58.863’ E 000° 58.262’

Light sequence Fl.G(2.5s) 

No. 5 Starboard marker

Position N 52° 58.871’ E 000° 57.978’

Light sequence Fl.G(5s)

All subsequent outer harbour channel markers positions have remained unchanged. 


The end of Blakeney Point has lost a significant amount of height and moved further south across where the channel was in 2023. Care should be taken to stay within the marked channel to avoid grounding on the end of the point as it is submerged at HW. A withy is currently marking the end of the point. No. 21 Starboard and No. 22 port have been repositioned south according to the current channel around the end of the point.

No. 21 starboard marker

Position N 52° 58.034’ E 000° 57.376’ Light sequence Fl.G(2)8s

No. 22 port marker 

Position N 52° 58.054’ E 000° 57.473’ Light sequence QFl.R(1s)


Minor changes have been made to the channel markers inside Blakeney Point.

The South Sands starboard beacon, marker 31 and final channel marker, has been reinstated. 

The weather station is active again on the South Sands beacon.

21 March 2024

Henry Archer, Blakeney Harbour Association  


Notice to Mariners