Please see below for more information about B3CT and click here to see their latest design for New Cut
Blakeney Channel Coastal Community Team (B3CT)
B3CT was set up at the beginning of 2017 by a group of volunteers who live locally and enjoy using Blakeney Harbour. Increasingly over the years we have been aware of the increasing siltation of the Blakeney New Cut and the Harbour, so came together to see what we could do to manage, or limit the effects of, this natural process. Otherwise, we fear that navigation from Blakeney, and in the longer term from Cley and Morston too, will no longer be able viable, or extremely limited. We are concerned that if nothing is done, not only will this have an obvious impact for navigation (leisure and commercial) but as a consequence there will be serious economic and social effects for the local community – not least putting at risk many jobs.
Our aims and objectives
Our Mission Statement is - “To help maintain the community, economy and heritage of the village by ensuring Blakeney is a navigable harbour”.
We want to devise a scheme that “works with nature” as much as possible to encourage the natural flushing of sedimentation in order to maximise existing navigational channels. Our design will include provision for on-going maintenance to ensure navigation for the future.
To date our work has been focused on Blakeney New Cut, but in the long term will work with Blakeney Harbour Association and Cley Harbour Project to tackle the wider Harbour area.
Work to date
The first part of our process was to form a team of 11 volunteers, then raise initial funds – which we did through the Coastal Communities Fund and Blakeney Parish Council. This has allowed us to review the historic surveys of the Blakeney New Cut as well as to commission new surveys and research. Our work has been built on the experience and knowledge of when Blakeney New Cut was last dredged in 1985.
Since 2017, mainly using the resources of local consultants (Exo Environmental Ltd), we have completed the following surveys; review of historic data, topographic, drone, velocity flows, sediment size, water and sediment quality. This information and data, as well as looking at other harbours means that we could then consult the community on our design for New Cut. Please see the link for details of our latest design.
Initially we plan to engineer four main areas; opposite the Quay, Carnser Corner, Bridge Creek and the western bank. We have, and will continue to, consult as our project evolves with stakeholders and regulators. We will provide updates on our project here and through the Glaven Valley News.
If you would like any more information please contact: Project Manager – Don Glaister – don.glaister@btinternet.com