Promoting the safe enjoyment of Blakeney Harbour’s natural unspoilt beauty and preserving this unique place for future generations
The BHA actively promotes safe practice in the harbour and produces a Code of Conduct to help everyone stay safe on the water.
We aim to preserve and protect the harbour and work with other agencies to ensure it is conserved for future generations.
We provide information and education to a wide range of local and national stakeholders, residents and visitors.
We actively promote and support the local community and commercial operators working in the harbour.
We are an independent charity, wholly funded by member donations and voluntary supporters.
We want visitors and locals to enjoy and respect the harbour as all our Trustees and members do.
BHA conserves and keeps the harbour safe through outreach and restoration
BLAKENEY HARBOUR ASSOCIATION maintains, preserves and improves Blakeney Harbour, bringing together those with a common interest. We provide liaison with stakeholders as well as navigational buoyage, tide times, weather conditions, navigation warnings and other information. Together, our members and volunteers create a strong and influential single voice, with an objective to make the Harbour functional, safe and open for all to use and enjoy for now, and for future generations.